
Toronto Hair Transplant Surgeons

Understanding The Role of Hair Loss Of Genetics, Stress, And Cholesterol


Although pattern baldness is determined by one’s genetics, the hair loss it causes can be expedited by both diet and lifestyle. By quitting smoking, decreasing alcohol consumption, eliminating high stressors, and eating a heart healthy diet, overall heart health can be improved, reducing excess factors contributing to hair loss.

How to care for our hair & hair follicles.

Although pattern baldness is determined by one’s genetics, the hair loss it causes can be expedited by both diet and lifestyle.


While the main gene attributed for hair loss is located on the X chromosome passed on from your mother, it is not the only determinant. Men with bald fathers are more likely to bald than those who have fathers with a full head of hair.

Stress and Heart Health

A study of men between the age of 35 and 65 concluded that those with high blood pressure were two times more likely to experience hair loss versus those with an acceptable blood pressure level.


While high cholesterol has been linked to balding, it may actually be the medication taken to combat high cholesterol levels. Many pharmaceuticals, such as clofibrate and gemfibrozi, could be to blame.

By quitting smoking, decreasing alcohol consumption, eliminating high stressors, and eating a heart healthy diet, overall heart health can be improved, reducing excess factors contributing to hair loss.