
Toronto Hair Transplant Surgeons

FUE Hair Transplant Surgery – 3000 Grafts – Adam Rivietz


FUE Hair Transplant Surgery – 3000 grafts with Adam Rivietz performed by Dr. Robert Jones – Transcript

Thanks. Now I’m nervous.


Hey, Dr. Jones.

Dr. Jones:
Hey, Adam.

All right.

Dr. Jones:
Today’s the day.

Today is the big day.

Dr. Jones:
Yeah. So we’re going to restore that hair. Have a seat here.


Dr. Jones:
So, the plan today is we’re going to take from this thick donor site at the back, and restore Adam’s hairline, and then fill up the whole top. The next step is we’re just going to design that hairline. So, as I said, we’ll put it exactly where it was. We’re not going to move it. So the trick, since the hairline, the temples, recede a bit too, is you can’t be too aggressive with that hairline. To make it look natural we sort of blend it into the sides. So what I’ve done is just follow the existing hairline. I’m sure if we saw pictures of you from five years ago, that’d be about where it was.

Yeah, that’s about where it was.

Dr. Jones:
Yeah. So the next step, Adam, is we have to buzz your head. So, have you ever had your head buzzed before?

Not in many, many years.

Dr. Jones:
All right. So what we do is just buzz it down, not quite to the wood but close. It’s got to be close enough that I can get a punch over each hair, and it’s got to be long enough that I can see the direction of the hair. So when I take the grafts out, so what we’ll do is just…

Oh, my God. Not as bad as I thought.

Dr. Jones:
No, not bad at all.

All right. I’ll just get out of here now. First day of the rest of my life.

Dr. Jones:
That’s right.

So left side facing me.

Dr. Jones:
Usually, bring your-

Speaker 4:
Right on your side. Yeah.

Dr. Jones:
The next step is just getting the grafts out. You’re going to hear, it’ll sound like a drill.

You’re going to turn onto your stomach. Your face is going to come in here.

Oh, it’s like a massage.

Dr. Jones:
Yeah, a massage.

Your head-

Dr. Jones:
The way we make the sites is with a tiny little blade. It’s about 0.9 millimeters across. And what I do is I angle it in the same direction that I want the hairs to go, and I’ll just angle it the whole way around. The first thing I do is make hairline sites with a smaller blade.

Okay, I just need to stretch my neck a little. I feel okay. I feel some pressure on my head. Oh, this is wonderful. So is it just one by one?

Speaker 4:
Yeah, just one by one.

Oh, wow. That’s all it is. That’s small. Oh, yeah.

Dr. Jones:
So how are you doing, Adam?

Pretty good.

Dr. Jones:
We have just finished implanting the grafts.


Dr. Jones:
Let me take a look here. So we’ve got 3,000 and about 73 grafts in there.

Dr. Jones:
Most of them in the front, three or four inches. And then the rest spread over the back, over the crown area. So it should give you a reasonable hairline. So, eventually, you’re going to end up with a head of hair like Dr. Jones.


Speaker 5:
So you are all done.

Yeah. Wow. I thought I was going to move in.

Dr. Jones:
Make sure you call me if you need me.

Oh, I will.

Dr. Jones:
Yeah. Just don’t hesitate to call.

I won’t. I might be calling you in an hour. Oh, my God. Look at that garden of hair. Oh, yeah.