
Toronto Hair Transplant Surgeons

Are Hair Transplants Painful?


When considering whether you want to get a hair transplant there are a lot of things to consider before you commit. The cost of getting a transplant will almost certainly be one of the first things you think about. Also whether or not you’re going to be left with an unnatural looking head of hair afterwards. One thing that many people worry about as far as hair transplants are concerned is the pain factor.

It’s a very understandable concern. If you’ve ever seen pictures of a hair transplant procedure being carried out then you’ve probably noticed that patients have little red dots all over their scalp that look like they’d be quite painful.

However the truth is that a hair transplant is not that painful at all.

So that the procedure can be carried out without any pain or discomfort, you are given a local anaesthetic to numb your scalp before any hair is extracted. Once this has taken effect, you won’t feel any pain at all when the hair is being extracted and implanted. In this sense, it’s very similar to a trip to the dentist

Now I know some of you may be thinking that you don’t like needles, and indeed for some people this is the most unpleasant part of the procedure. However, it’s worth putting things into perspective. The anaesthetic is a tiny part of the procedure. Once it’s done then you won’t have to worry about any pain or discomfort for the rest of the procedure.

Is There Any Pain Afterwards?

Once the hair transplant has been completed, there will be a period of recovery afterwards. Whether or not there’s any pain or discomfort during this period of time will depend a lot on the individual patient and the extent of hair the was transplanted. In most cases there is little pain or discomfort after the procedure. If there is any pain then this can usually be dealt with by taking over-the-counter paint killers.

Overall, getting a hair transplant involves a very small amount of pain, usually limited to the anaesthetic that’s administered at the start of the procedure.

In the past, hair transplants were very primitive and involved making larger cuts into the scalp to remove the hair and implant it. Nowadays, the techniques used are very refined and result in very little pain, either during the procedure itself or the recovery afterwards. The most common types of hair transplants that are carried out today are FUT and FUE transplants. Both methods involve removing single hair follicles and implanting them into the scalp in an extremely delicate way that ensures natural results whilst not causing any pain or discomfort to the patient.

You can find out a lot more about the types of hair transplants available by visiting Dr Jones’ website at